Managing Your Organisation

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Once you have set up your organisation and have your legal structure and governance arrangements in place, you need to ensure you are complying with legal and reporting obligations and have the appropriate policies and procedures for your organisation.

Find out more about legal structures

Find out more about governance

Legal & Reporting Obligations

If you have charitable status, the Charity Commission website is your go-to place for detailed information about your obligations as a charity.

Charities registered in England or Wales must send an annual return to the Charity Commission or report their income and spending every year. What you need to submit can be found on the website.

Community Interest Companies (CIC’s) should refer to the CIC Regulator for detailed guidance.

Companies Limited by Guarantee, and registered with the Charity Commission should also refer to the Companies House website to ensure that they are meeting the obligations under Company Law.

Policies & Procedures

Running an organisation means making decisions about how you will operate. A clear set of policies and procedures help ensure that your organisation is well run.

We have put together a webinar that covers:

  • Introduction to the Policy Toolkit
  • The difference between policies and procedures
  • Looks at how you manage your resources
  • Introduces planning for the future

Access our policy toolkit

Take part in the Managing your Charity webinar

Planning for the future

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” – Benjamin Franklin

Planning the short and long term future of your organisation is important so that you know where you are going and what you need to do to get there.  Developing a Business Plan is a good idea, regardless of the size of your organisation.  It doesn’t have to be a lengthy document, but identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks is an exercise worth doing. Creating and agreeing a plan of action, backed up with a Fundraising Strategy and commitment from the board and staff, will mean you have a better chance of success.

Access our funding toolkit

Take part in our Business Planning webinar

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